Intro­ducing Volcanic Ash, the new Cap­suled color line

Available now at selected stores and here.

Vol­can­ic Ash

The vibrant gray.

In­spi­red by the white-hot mix­ture of rock, vol­can­ic glass and mineral frag­ments hurled high into the air in vol­can­ic erup­tions, the Vol­can­ic Ash color line is bright, bold and time­less.

It’s the best choice to ex­plore new paths and push boun­da­ries.

The award-winning Cap­suled Bike Bag

Made for your on- and off-bike acti­vi­ties.

Shop the all-new Vol­can­ic Ash lineup

The best choice to ex­plore new paths and to push boun­da­ries.

Bike BagBike Bag
Bike Bag

Hip BagHip Bag
Hip Bag

Utility BagUtility Bag
Utility Bag

Messenger BagMessenger Bag
Messenger Bag

Pocket BagPocket Bag
Pocket Bag


Why choose Cap­suled

To live a truly unique cycling experience.

We believe in the growing demo­graphics of cyclists and com­muters with increased focus on fashion­able designs, multi-func­tion­ality features and high du­rabil­ity char­ac­ter­is­tics. For these people, bags are more than just tools, but an ex­pres­sion of their mind­set, active life­style, and com­mit­ment to con­tem­po­rary trans­por­ta­tion. Given our pur­pose, our products are de­signed in such a way, that they offer several benefits. They are con­veni­ent and compact for travel­ing, with ad­di­tio­nal func­tion­ality for safety, vis­ibil­ity and fun when you are riding your bike.

Our values

Fundamentals of every­thing we do.

Designed with un­com­promis­ing at­ten­tion to de­tail, using only the highest quality contents.

Equipped with every­thing needed, sup­port­ing riders from start to finish and beyond.

Made in col­labo­ra­tion with in­spiring people and brands, re­specting humans and nature.

Vol­canic Ash is the best choice to ex­plore new paths and to push boun­da­ries.